GNSS RTK Topcon HiPer SR

Kategori: Alat Survey Telekomunikasi,GPS Geodetik | Dilihat: 90 Kali

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Kode Produk: HiPer SR

Stok: Stok Tersedia

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Sejak: 21-03-2022

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Simple and sophisticated

Daily setup routines are made easy through the HiPer SR's LongLink intelligence feature. More than just a wireless Bluetooth connection, LongLink serves to automatically connect multiple HiPer SR rovers to your mobile base. Just power them on and let the system do the rest. Combine your Topcon HiPer SR receiver with a robotic total station system, to create a Hybrid solution ready for any environment.

This entry-level GNSS solution is ideal for interference-free, short-range, wireless communication between base and rover. With an optional, internal, dual-SIM cellular modem the HiPer SR can also be used as a MAGNET Relay mobile base, adding flexibility to your portfolio for your various project scenarios.

  • Capable of tracking GPS and GLONASS constellations
  • Universal Tracking Channels capable of all-in-view tracking
  • Hybrid Positioning ready
  • Signal scrubbing Fence Antenna® to provide ultimate signal lock
  • Highest accuracy positioning for RTK, network, and more

All that you need and nothing more

A single carrying case containing two of your Topcon HiPer SR receivers empowers you to make radically different choices based on the project in front of you. Straight forward, two units perform with minimal effort using a base to rover LongLink communication method. As the project size grows, each of the two HiPer SR receivers quickly morph into two unique network rover receivers. Further, same two HiPer SR units are also flexible enough to host a MAGNET Relay mobile reference station session. No project too large, no environment too harsh.




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