Time Of Setting Of Hydraulic Cement By Vicat Needle
Kategori: Uncategorized | Dilihat: 169 Kali
Rp 3.250.000
Kode Produk: ASTM C-187/C-191; T-129/T-131
Stok: Stok Tersedia
Berat: 10 Kg
Sejak: 20-09-2022
Detail Produk
Consist of :
RE-121 Vicat Apparatus Cast alumunium frame stainless steel rod. 0 - 50 mm scale.
RE-123 Initial needle Steel needle, 1 mm dia, with footing, brass thread.
RE-124 Final needle Steel needle, 1 mm dia, brass thread.
RE-125 Conical Ring Mold 70 mm base dia, 60 mm top dia, 40mm height.
RE-126 Glass plate 10 mm thick, 12 x 12 cm.